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Friday, March 4, 2011

Shout Out Friday.............. Fear the Beard!

Abraham Lincoln (Beard is Presidential)

This weeks shout out will go out to all the people who have the abilty to grow a beard. Im a grown ass man and I can not grow a full beard even if I tried my hardest. I dont know if this is a good or bad thing, but regardless you know BOOG is still Pretty Boy Swag with or without it. But I really wish I could upgrade my Swagger! Check out these Beards tho!

James Harden & Baron Davis (They were feeling eachother All Star Weekend)

David Stern ( NBA Commisioner pulled the beard out for a hot second aka The Silver Fox)

Brian Wilson ( San Francisco Giants Pitcher. He goes H.A.M)

Rick Ross ( His chain has a beard SWAG)

Bill Cosby ( Who ate my Jello Pudding)

Brad Pitt ( Swag'n out the beard)

Gilbert Arenas ( Agent Zero had a faze.)

Smooth from 2 Keys ( He was feeling himself with this one. Peep his Joe Johnson taper blended into the Beard......... II All Day)
Brad Childress (Beard has him looking like an 6th grade science teacher not an NFL COACH)

Jacob Pullen ( Illest Beard in College Basketball

Tom Selleck ( Exactly.......... That mustache looks so Child Please...... If BOOG catches you on the scene with this Peepin Tom Mustache you are bound to get clowned!)




  3. hahaha why u gotta blast tom like that?? soo funny...

  4. Man Tom is Dead Wrong for walking out the house looking like that. C'mon Son!

  5. And now presenting... the child please

  6. lol the child please this is hilarious! He needs to take his bum ass back to the Hills!
